Anointed Remnant Global Assemblies (ARGA) FAQ

What the Seal means: Seal Definition?

  • Dove: located on the top represents giving honor to the Holy Spirit
  • Globe: Represents the global assemblies connected to ARGA
  • Lions of Judah: Represents power and authority
  • Four-part Shield: ARGA covering the four corners of the world
  • Praying Hands: Represents the essences of prayer
  • Sword: Represents the Word of God
  • Shepherd Staff: Represents guidance and direction
  • Scales: Represents balanced ministry
  • Banner: Song of Solomon 6:10 (ARGA)

Is church name change required after Joining ARGA?

NO. If one becomes a part of the assembly, he/she does not have to change their church name to Global Assemblies.

If I hold a title/position in another fellowship or reformation, will that title be transferable to ARGA?

Titles earned and recognized in other fellowships/jurisdictions will be honored but not all are transferable to the Assembly. If you are an “Overseer” or “Bishop” your title must match the oversight of the ministry or office you’re covering.

Is it necessary to leave your present affiliation to be a part of ARGA?

We are an Assembly that comes together to fellowship with the Lord and each other. You can very well do both. We believe that it is very important that the “walls of traditions” come down. a prioritization of understanding in organizational Focus must be established.

Let us add to what is encouraging by allowing others to see what God is doing through Anointed Remnant Global Assemblies, which is coming together in one Spirit as members working together in the body of Christ. That said, those joining ARGA dissatisfied with their current structure or having no covering can be covered by ARGA.

What is the criterion to become a covenant church with ARGA?

You must be a part of the body of Christ, participate in covenant partners’ campaigns as well as make financial commitment.

Covenant pastors of ARGA are asked for their continued support through partnership with a 2% commitment of their church tithes. These pastors are covering churches distinguished by a diamond in the listing of churches.

Conversely, leaders that have accepted the call to ministry, but do not pastor a church (musicians in the industry, prison ministers/pastors, etc…) but conduct ministry and desire to be covered by Anointed Remnant Global Assemblies, is asked to support the Assembly with an annual contribution of $120 per year, individually.
The Covenant partner reporting is from January 1st through February 28th of the calendar year. If a church or ministry joins the Assembly after the reporting period. then their contribution is due 30 days after their application is submitted. Every annual conference starts a New Covenant partner year.

Does a Pastor or church have to surrender their properties, deeds, or add ARGA to bank accounts?

No. Every Pastor is governed by the Word of God and asked to conduct themselves with the highest degree of integrity. Thus whatever God blesses individual churches to obtain it is absolutely the ownership of the church/Pastor until such time of binding donation to the Assembly is made.

What can Churches expect as disciples of ARGA? 

  • ARGA Mandate #1. Assigned Proactive Intercessor
  • ARGA Mandate #2. Global Contact (min monthly)
  • ARGA Mandate #3. Access to Teaching & Training
  • ARGA Mandate #4. Planning & Structure Guidance
  • ARGA Mandate #5. Mentorship & Assigned Ministry Elder
  • ARGA Mandate #6. Licensing and Ordination of leaders
  • ARGA Mandate #7. Prophetic Insight Support & Biblical Training
  • ARGA Mandate #8. ConflictMediation Support